Copywriting, Long-Form Content & Journalism

I write content that moves readers to action.


Feature Articles

Informative, entertaining pieces readers love.


Informative and compelling stories about interesting people.

Blog Posts

Fresh content on a cadence right for you.

Thought Leadership

Articles that position you as an expert in your industry.

White Papers

Complex concepts distilled into shareable documents.

Case Studies

Prove your brand's value with customer success stories.

My Work

Features, Interviews, Editorial

Long-form content for diverse audiences.


B2B and B2C content for tech companies.

About Me

Lawyer. Kitesurfer. Scuba Instructor. Expat.

Just some of the words that described me through the years. But the singular word that has always applied no matter where I was or what I was doing? 


I’ve helped brands and businesses amplify their voice with compelling content for more decades than I care to count.

I can help you, too. 

Let's Work Together

I'd love to learn more about your content needs.